Change is Inevitable, How You Communicate it is a Priority
From global shifts like government regulations, the economy and evolving artificial intelligence, to the everyday influences like the weather on your outfit for the day, change is a constant presence in our lives. And whether we like it or not, it’s inevitable. As PR and communication experts, it is our job to communicate change our clients endure with the utmost precision to ensure colleagues and stakeholders are crystal clear about what’s changed and how to address it to ensure clarity and transparency.
Clarity and Transparency
It is crucial to communicate clearly and transparently the reasons for change and what the outcomes will be. This will ensure trust and mitigate uncertainty among your colleagues and stakeholders. For example, if your company is letting employees go to cut costs, how you communicate the reason can quell concerns or fuel fears. By nature, layoffs result in anxiety and fear within the work environment, resulting in the same feelings shared by the managers who must alert employees. From a communications standpoint, we know this as the FUD Factor and alleviate these fears, uncertainties and doubt for everyone in the company. The best way to communicate will vary by company. However, having the CEO announce the layoffs, being completely honest with both employees and the public, and telling stakeholders how the company is assisting severed employees will have a huge reputational impact during this challenging scenario. Prioritizing clarity and being completely transparent with everyone involved helps protect your company’s image.
Celebrating Successes
As a workplace evolves over time, it is important to celebrate your successes. Acknowledging and celebrating milestones during the change process builds momentum, boosts morale, and provides positive updates as change continues throughout an organization. If a coworker or employee gets a promotion, communicate that positive news to their colleagues and celebrate their growth. If the company loses a client, communicate in a way that celebrates the company’s success with that client and remind employees that when one door closes, another opens.
Clear Vision for the Future
We understand that change is inevitable and we see companies struggle when they aren’t aligned in how to communicate through that change. Once messages are conveyed with clarity and transparency, it becomes much easier to communicate change to employees. Amazon is a prime (pun intended) example of adapting to change efficiently. As the Internet evolved and customer needs changed, Amazon adjusted to fit market changes quickly. The company innovated itself with the creation of Amazon Web Services, Alexa, and more while keeping their consistent promise to customers of fast and reliable service-making change their future. Communicating the long-term benefits of change and aligning it with the organization’s overall mission inspires loyalty, commitment and acceptance and satisfaction. Change is inevitable, and how you communicate change should be priority to protect your reputation.